by control | Oct 31, 2019 | Home Tips
If you’ve ever been afraid of getting conned from a scam HVAC contractor, there’s good reason. Scams have spread into the industry on a large scale, and contractors have been working as hard as they can to grab your money. Since the issue is so widespread, that we’ve...
by control | Oct 21, 2019 | Home Tips
With the recent cool temperatures in Texas, it’s about time to set the heater running for those winter months. Many times, we can flip the switch and forget to make sure everything is running correctly. Is there anything you’ll need to check when you launch your...
by control | Oct 21, 2019 | Home Tips
We’re only getting our first taste of fall weather, but before you know it it will be time to turn on the heat. Before winter kicks in and heating costs go up, save a bundle on HVAC costs with a bit of winter preparation. Preventative maintenance prepares your HVAC...
by control | Oct 14, 2019 | Home Tips
Once considered a luxury item, AC is now ubiquitous in nearly every home and office. Could you even imagine life without air conditioning? Yet it wasn’t too long ago when hospitals required ice in their rooms to cool down temperatures for malaria-induced patients....
by control | Oct 7, 2019 | Home Tips
For residents all across the Dallas/ Fort Worth Metroplex, a working HVAC system is essential to their daily quality of life. Without the comforts of a working air conditioner, the scorching days of a Texas summer can be impossible to get through, and in the dead of...
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